Botanical effect of Euphorbia Prostrata Ait. and Oxalis Corniculata L. extracts on some crops and vegetables

Khalil, N. A.

Botanical effect of Euphorbia Prostrata Ait. and Oxalis Corniculata L. extracts on some crops and vegetables [electronic resource]. التأثير النباتى لمستخلصات الأيوفوربيا والأكساليس على بعض المحاصيل والخضر.‪ - p.557-566.

Includes reference.

The phytotoxicity effects of two common weeds; the prostrate spurge; Euphorbia prostrata M. (libbeina) and the creeping weed sorrel, Oxalis comicuIata L (homaid) extracts were studied on seed germination of wheat (Trititicum aastivum), maize (Zae mayes L.) cucumber (Cucumis sativus), tomatoes (Solanum Iycopersicum) and field pea (Pisum sativum). The results showed that both extracts inhibited both root and shoot length and reduced the weight of all studied plants. Also, Oxalis extract had more inhibitory effects on seed germination of all tested plants than Euphorbia extract. Tomatoes root length showed the height sensitivity, while, field pea showed the least when they were treated with Euphorbia extract.

Summary in Arabic.

Plant extracts--Research.
Vegetables--Field experiments.
Wheat--Field experiments.

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