Influence of farmyard manure, biological inoculation and organic extract on peanut productivity under organic farming system in sandy soil

Mahmoud, A. A.

Influence of farmyard manure, biological inoculation and organic extract on peanut productivity under organic farming system in sandy soil [electronic resource]. تأثير إضافة السماد البلدي والتلقيح البولوجى والمستخلص العضوى على انتاجية محصول الفول السودانى تحت نظام الزراعة العضوية فى التربة الرملية. - p.1599-1611.

Includes reference.

A field experiment was carried out for two successive summer seasons (2007and 2008) in sandy soil at EL- Ismailia Agriculture Research Station EI-Ismailia Governorate to study the effect of farmyard manure(FYM) applied at different rates 0,10,20,30 and 40 m³ fed⁻¹ with either inoculation with a mixture of biofertilizer P (Bacillus megatherium), K (Bacillus Circulans) dissolving bacteria and N2 -fixer ( Bradyrhizobium) or non -inoculation. All plots of experiments were foliar treated with different rates (100,200 and 400 L fed⁻¹ ' ) of organic extract (rabbit manure). Results indicated that mean values of peanut yield components increased significantly due to the application of high rate of FYM ; these increases were 81.2%,and 79.7% for seeds and straw, respectively. High rates of orgcmic extract were more effective as compared to lower rate . Moreover, using mixed inoculation treatment, also, affected significantly the peanut yield (seedsand straw) as compared to non -inoculation ones.

Summary in arabic.

Farm manure.
Organic farming.

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