Effect of phosphorus rates and methods of zinc application on maize yield and its components

Abd El-Kader, Mona G.

Effect of phosphorus rates and methods of zinc application on maize yield and its components [electronic resource]. تأثير معدلات الفوسفور وطرق اضافة الزنك على الذرة, ومكوناتة. - p.3959-3969.

Includes reference.

Afield experiment was carried out at Demo. EI Fayoum Governorate during two successive seasons 2004 and 2005 to study the effect of different levels of phosphorus (0, 15, 30 and 45 P20S/ /fed) and methods of zinc application (soil application and foliar spray),

Summary in Arabic.

Soils--Phosphorus content
Phosphatic Fertilizers.

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