Effect of parboiling and milling process on amino acids content and biological evaluation of rice protein

Abd El-Hady Sahar R.

Effect of parboiling and milling process on amino acids content and biological evaluation of rice protein [electronic resource]. تأثير عمليتى الغلى والضرب والتبييض على الأحماض الأمينية والتقييم البيولوجى لبروتينات الأرز. - p.2973-2981.

Includes references.

Rice variety Sakha 104 (Japonica) was parboiled to study the effect of parboiling and milling processing on amino acids content and protein quality of all rice samples. The obtained results showed that most of the amino acids content of rice samples (Sakha 104 variety) were decline as a function of parboiling process. On the other hand, special amino acids such as lysine, threonine, alanine and glycine were increased as a result of parboiling. In addition, milled rice protein has a lower lysine content than that of brown rice protein. Lysine was found to be the first limiting indispensable amino acids in all rice samples (Sakha 104 variety). Corrected protein efficiency ratio was 2.19 for brown rice. 2.35 for parboiled brown rice. 2.14 for white rice and 2.28 for parboiled white rice as compared to 2.5 for casein. The net Protein retention (NPR) was highest for casein (3.25). followed by parboiled brown rice (3.12) and least f& white rice (2.95). &par& digestibility was varied according to the treatments used (Sakha 104 variety).Furthermore. parboiling process helped-to increase the protein digestibility of the different rice samples of (Sakha 104 variety). Furthermore, apparent digestibility of white rice was higher than that of brown rice protein.

Summary in Arabic.

Rice, Parboiled.
Amino acids.
rice protein.

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