Isolation and standardization of camelpox virus from naturally infected cases in central region of Saudi Arabia 2004

Abdel Baky, M. H.

Isolation and standardization of camelpox virus from naturally infected cases in central region of Saudi Arabia 2004 [electronic resource]. عزل فيروس جدرى الإبل من حالات إصابة حقلية بالمرض فى المنطقة الوسطى بالمملكة العربية السعودية 2004م. - p.183-193.

Includes references.

Camelpox virus in skin lesion scrapings; collected from camels severely affected with clinical signs of camelpox; suspecion was detected by Indirect Fluorescent Antibody (IFA) test using standard anti Jouf-78 strain camelpox virus rabbit antiserum. The causative agent was isolated and purified throughout five successive passages on vero cell cultures using the highest positive dilutions. The virus isolate showed identical Cytopathogenic Effects (CPE) in inoculated vero cell cultures between the 1st. and 5th. passages. The isolate was standardized as a virulent came1pox virus by application of IFA, virus neutralization and pathogenicity tests ,and designated as Saudi Arabia, Uniza 2004 strain.

Summary in Arabic.

Camels--Virus diseases.
Camels--Saudi Arabia.
Viral vaccines--Research.
Camelpox virus.

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