Effect of age and housing condition on semen quality of the local ganders in Assiut

Abdelnabi, M. A.

Effect of age and housing condition on semen quality of the local ganders in Assiut [electronic resouce]. تأثير العمر وظروف المسكن علي نوعية السائل المنوي لذكور الاوز المحلية بأسيوط. - p.487-497.

Includes references.

An experiment was conducted to study the effect of age and housing condition on semen quality in ganders under sub-tropical conditions in Upper Egypt where a wide range between the maximum (40-50) and minimum (5-10 ْc) temperatures exists. Sixteen ganders, 35 weeks old were used in this research. Thereafter, males were divided into two groups (8 birds each) and raised in almost similar housing condition since the only difference was that the first group had an access to a fish pond for 3 hrs/ day. Semen was collected from both groups three times per week by using the dorso-abdominal massage technique. Ejaculate volume, sperm motility, pH, sperm concentration /ml and per ejaculate were measured. A third group, consists of ten males, eighty one weeks old was used for semen collection. Samples from this group were taken and evaluated as mentioned previously, and then compared with the young ganders. Results from the first experiment showed highly significant differences (P<0.01) between the two groups in all parameters except for the pH. The averages of volume, pH, motility, sperm concentration/ml and sperm concentration/ejaculate were (0.45±0.02 vs 0.26±0.02 ml); (8.20±0.05 vs 8.04±0.06); (44.05±1.64 vs 33.55±1.88%); (448.81±25.54 vs 324.69±22.04 x 106) and (228.65±24.82 vs 90.17±12.39 x 106) in the first and second group, respectively. In the second experiment, significant differences (P<0.05) were observed in volume (0.46±0.03 vs 0.26±0.02ml), motility (46.63±1.48 vs 33.55±1.88), sperm concentration/ml (487.79±36.46 vs 324.69±22.04 x 106) and sperm concentration/ejaculate (206.96±19.63 vs 90.17±12.39 x 106). Meantime, there was no significant differences in pH (7.89±0.05 vs 8.04±0.06) in the old and young males, respectively.

Summary in Arabic.


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