Heterosis and inheritance of some quantitative characters in soybean (Glycine max L.)

Darwish, I.H.

Heterosis and inheritance of some quantitative characters in soybean (Glycine max L.) [electronic resource]. قوة الهجين وتوارث بعض الصفات الكمية فى فول الصويا. - p.131-142.

Includes references.

Three crosses of soybean (L86-K-7J x Toano), (Holladay x Giza 83) and (H572 x Toano) each with six populations (P1) P2), F1, F2" BCI and BC2) were tested for yield, some of the yield components and some growth attributes. Significant negative heterosis were detected for flowering date in second and third crosses. Significant positive heterotic effects were detected for other traits. Over dominance towards the higher parent was found for no. of pods/plant, no. of seeds/plant and seed yield/plant in the three crosses, no. of branches/plant in the second and third crosses, 100-seed weight in the second cross and plant height in the first cross. Significant positive inbreeding depression were detected for plant height, no. of branches/plant, no. of pods/plant, 100-seed and seed yield/plant in the three crosses, and no. of seeds/plant in the fint and second crosses. However, a significant negative value was found for flowering date in the three crosses. in the remaining traits, the values of inbreeding depression were not significant. Significant F2) deviation (E1) and BC1 deviation (E1) were detected for most traits. Additive gene effects were significantly exhibited in all traits except no. of branches/plant and no of seeds/plant in the third cross and seed yield/plant in the second cross. The dominance effect types of gene effects were significant for all traits except plant height in the third cross and I00-seed weight in the second cross. Epistatic effects dominance x dominance, additive x additive and additive x dominance types of gene effects were significant for most traits. Heritability estimates, in broad sense were high to moderate in magnitude with values between 41.03for flowering date in the second cross to 87.27% for number of pods/plant in the second cross.

Summary in Arabic.

genetic improvement.

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