Age, growth, mortality and yield per recruit of Liza ramada in Bardawill lagoon, north Sinai, Egypt

Salem, M. A.

Age, growth, mortality and yield per recruit of Liza ramada in Bardawill lagoon, north Sinai, Egypt [electronic resource]. دراسة العمر، النمو، النفوق والانتاج النسبي لأسماك الطوبار ببحيرة البردويل.‪ - p.143-159.

Includes references.

Age, growth, and population biology of Liza ramada were studied from a small scale fishery of Bardawililagoon. 3382 specimens (13.5 to 46.6 em totai Length and 12.5 to 794 gm total weight), were collected from April to December, 2009 (one fishing season). 111e relationship between length and weight was W = 0.0177* L2.764. Age was determined by scales and age groups 0 to 6 years. Growths in length and weight at the end of each year were calculated. The growth parameters of von 8ertalanffy equation were calculated as (Loo = 49.41, K = 0.28 year-1 and to = -0.8 year-1). Growth performance index (cp' = 2.83). Mortality rates were 1.55 yr-1, 0.61 yr-1 and 0.94yr-1 for total, natural and fishing mortality respeelively. The currently exploitation rate E =0.60. The probability of capture (L50 = 25.3). The higher of fishing mortality verses natural mortality observed for Liza ramada indicates the stock under the overfishing in Bardawililagoon.

Summary in Arabic.

Freshwater fishes--Growth--Egypt.
Freshwater fishes--Age determination--Egypt.
Freshwater fishes--Breeding--Egypt.

Liza ramada

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