Genetical analysis of SDS-sedimentation volume and grain protein content in Egyptian bread wheat varieties

Nathan, Sheren N.

Genetical analysis of SDS-sedimentation volume and grain protein content in Egyptian bread wheat varieties [electronic resource]. التحليل الوراثي لصفات حجم الترسيب في وجود SDS و محتوى الحبوب من البروتين في أصناف قمح الخبز المصرية. - p.371-384.

Includes references.

A line x tester set of crosses, involving five bread wheat genotypes, were used to investigate the nature and magnitude of gene effects controlling the inheritance of SDS-sedimentation volume, protein content and grain yield attributes and to determine their general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) of .these studied traits. The study revealed sufficient variation among the genotypes (parents and hybrids) for these traits. The data suggested that the expression of measured traits in the hybrids varied according to the parental combination. The F1 hybrids exhibited no heterotic effects. The GCA and SCA variances showed that gene action was predominantly additive for all the studied quality traits and yield. The results suggested also that partial dominance is operating in the inheritance of these traits. Parents differed significantly for GCA effects. This study identities Sakha 93 (PI) and Giza 168 (P2) as a good general combiner which showed significant desirable GCA effects for all studied traits. The differences for SCA effects of F 1 hybrids were not significant. The results were discussed in relation to their implications for the development of technologically superior wheat genotypes. Keywords: Wheat (Triticum aestivum L), SDS-sedimentation volume, grain protein content, combining ability, gene effects.

Summary in Arabic.

Wheat--Genome mapping.
Wheat--Genome mapping.
Plant proteins.

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