Comparative performance of pima and Egyptian cotton cultivars :

Abo El-Zahab, A. A.

Comparative performance of pima and Egyptian cotton cultivars : I. cotton yield and its components, earliness in maturity and fiber properties [electronic resource]. دراسة مقارنة لسلوك أقطان البيما والأقطان المصرية : 1-المحصول ومكوناته ، مكونات التبكير ، صفات التيلة. - p.237-254.

Includes references.

Four Pima genotypes (Earlipima, PS-4, PS-6 and PS-7) and four long staple Egyptian cotton varieties (G.80, G.83, G.85 and G.86) were sampled to conduct a comparison of growth and development. Significant variation due to genotypes was found for cotton yield and for only two of its components viz. lint percent and seed index in the combined data across environments and in some instances for individual environments.

Summary in Arabic.

Cotton fiber.
Sea Island cotton--Composition.
Sea Island cotton--Fiber quality.
Sea Island cotton--Varieties.
Sea Island cotton--Yields.

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