Effect of rhizobium inoculation, nitrogen levels and time of nitrogen application on mungbean under sandy soil conditions

Abd Alla, Maha M.

Effect of rhizobium inoculation, nitrogen levels and time of nitrogen application on mungbean under sandy soil conditions [electronic resource]. تأثير التقليح البكتيري ومستوي النتيروجين وميعاد أضافة النيتروجين علي فول المانج تحت ظروف الاراضي الرملية. - p.1273 -1293

Includes references.

Two field trials were conducted in extension field, Ezat Sharf village at EL-TaL -EL-Kabeer. Ismilia district (Ismilia Governorate) during the two successive seasons 1994 and 1995 to study the effect of rhizobium inoculation (inoculated and un-inoculated) and nitrogen application before sowing, i.e. (zero, 20 and 30 kg N/fad.) and three levels of nitroaen application after planting i.e. (zero, 20 and 30 kg N/fad.) on yield and its attributes of mungbean. The results showed that rhizobium inoculated plants were significantly superior than un-inoculated ones in plant height, number of branches/plant, number of pods/plant, seed yield(g)/ plant, pod thickness(cm), pod yield (ton/fad.), seed yield (ton /fad.) and straw yield (ton/fad.).

Summary in Arabic.

Mung bean--Fertilizers.
Mung bean--Varieties.
Mung bean--Effect of nitrogen on.
Sandy soils.

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