Sorghum- pearl millet mixture under sandy soil conditions

Aly, R. M.

Sorghum- pearl millet mixture under sandy soil conditions [electronic resource]. مخلوط السورجم والدخن تحت ظروف الاراضي الرملية. - p.1781-1804.

Includes references.

Two field experiments were carried out in the Experimental Farm Faculty of Agriculture, Zagazig University at Khattara, Sharkia Governorate, Egypt, during 2000 and 2001 summer seasons, to study yield potential of sorghum (S), pearl millet (M) and their intercropping systems (75%S + 25%M, 50%S + 50%M and 25%S + 75%M) when grown under three row spacings (20, 30 and 40 cm apart) in sandy soils. The obtained results indicated that the medium row spacing of 30 cm recorded the shortest sorghum plant height at the 2nd cut. While, at the 3rd cut pearl millet plants were taller in wide (40 cm) than in narrow rows (20 cm). Gain in number of tiller/m2 for the associated millet was secured under different row spacing, however, the gain at the narrow spaced rows was higher than at wider ones. Also, gain in number oftillers/m2 for the associated sorghum. was secured only at narrow spaced rows. Consequently,the narrow rows outyielded the wider one in the seasonal fresh forage yield of pearl millet. Moreover, it was surpassed the other two spacings in the seasonal fresh. forage yield of sorghum, as well as, the seasonal total fresh forage yield of the two components. Also, advantage in total dry forage yield for the associated both components tended to increase due to narrowing row spacing. Narrowing row spacing to 20 cm enhanced leafness ratio for sorghum over the two seasons.

Summary in Arabic.

Plant spacing.
Sandy soils.
Pearl millet.
Pearl millet--Growth.
Pearl millet--Yields.

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