Mass production of Oreochromis niloticus fry with refering to egg diseases
Abboud, O. A.
Mass production of Oreochromis niloticus fry with refering to egg diseases [electronic resource]. إنتاج كميات كبيرة من زريعة أسماك البلطى بالإشارة إلى أمراض البيض. - p.33-43.
Includes references.
Oreochromis nilolicus was used for production of enough number of fry in three suc- cessive hatching , the hatched fry were fed with artificial food mixed with 17 ". methyl testesterone for 21 days. The experiment fish. their eggs and the hatched fry were examined for detection saprolegrian infection. Moreover. the water quality throughout the experimental lime was examined. The clinical sings were cotton like growth on the head region. operculum, fins, body surface and eyes. The infected eggs appeared brown in colour with fungal growth. Saprolegina parasitica coker was isolated Fom the skin, fins, gill lesions of infested fish and eggs.
Summary in Arabic.
Nile tilapia--Reproduction.
Nile tilapia--Diseases.
Fish hatcheries.
Hydrogen peroxide--Therapeutic use.
Mass production of Oreochromis niloticus fry with refering to egg diseases [electronic resource]. إنتاج كميات كبيرة من زريعة أسماك البلطى بالإشارة إلى أمراض البيض. - p.33-43.
Includes references.
Oreochromis nilolicus was used for production of enough number of fry in three suc- cessive hatching , the hatched fry were fed with artificial food mixed with 17 ". methyl testesterone for 21 days. The experiment fish. their eggs and the hatched fry were examined for detection saprolegrian infection. Moreover. the water quality throughout the experimental lime was examined. The clinical sings were cotton like growth on the head region. operculum, fins, body surface and eyes. The infected eggs appeared brown in colour with fungal growth. Saprolegina parasitica coker was isolated Fom the skin, fins, gill lesions of infested fish and eggs.
Summary in Arabic.
Nile tilapia--Reproduction.
Nile tilapia--Diseases.
Fish hatcheries.
Hydrogen peroxide--Therapeutic use.