Detection of pesticide residues in milk and some dairy products

Ayoub, M. M.

Detection of pesticide residues in milk and some dairy products [electronic resource]. اكتشاف متبقيات مبيدات الافات في اللبن وبعض منتجات الالبان. - P.865 - 880.

Includes references.

The study were conducted to monitor and determine the presence organochlorine pesticide residues in raw buffalo's milk and some milk products. The studied samples were collected from different regions. Sharkia Govemorate.• Egypt. The effect of heat treatment on pesticide residue in raw buffalo's milk and butter was also studied. The results showed that the only detected organochlorine pesticide residues in all examined milk samples was p,p'-DDE. Resides of DDE detected in yoghurt were 2.7298±O.1126 ppb. with a mean value of 1.9161±0.0992 ppb.• while no residues were detected in cottage cheese samples. The organochlorine pesticide residues detected in butter samples were lindane, heptachlor epoxide and p,p'-DDE with mean values of 7.428±1.667, 3.384±1.583 and 67.063±4.933 ppb on fat basis. respectively. Effect of common heat treatment on p,p'-DDE residues in raw buffalo's milk treated by pasteurization. boiling and sterilization, were 2.509. 0.932 and 0.2599 ppb on milk basis, respectively with degradation percent of 22.13,71.16 and 92.8%. respectively.

Summary in Arabic.

Dairy products--Contamination.
Pesticide residues in food.

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