The production of novel functional yoghurt containing angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE)-Inhibitory activity

El-Alfy, Mohamed B.

The production of novel functional yoghurt containing angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE)-Inhibitory activity [electronic resource]. إنتاج يوغورت وظيفى يحتوى على مثبط لنشاط الإنزيم المحول للأنجيوتنسين - p.1267-1278

Includes references.

Novel functional types of yoghurt containing ACE-inhibitory activity were produced by adding Lactobacillus casei ATCC 7469, Lb. paracasei 6A and kombucha besides the yoghurt starter cultures in order to increase the activity against the ACE. Results showed that the ACE-inhibitory activity increased during the cold storage periods at 4°C for 28 days. Soluble nitrogen was increased during the cold storage periods. The chemical analysis data of the produced novel functional yoghurt were similar to that of control. Same observations were for the microbiological examination. Also, the water holding capacity and firmness of the novel functional yoghurt were good as the control up to the end time of the experimental design.

Summary in Arabic.

Yogurt industry.
Dairy products--Rheology.

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