Selection of the main factors affecting cleaning and grading fennel seeds at inclined sieve oscillation

Hanna, Salwa S.

Selection of the main factors affecting cleaning and grading fennel seeds at inclined sieve oscillation [electronic resource]. اختيار العوامل الرئيسية المؤثرة علي عمليتي التنظيف والتدريج لبذور الشمر باستخدام الغرابيل ذات التردد المائل.‪‪‪ - P. 628 - 643.

Includes references.

Nowadays, the world considers the medicinal and aromatic plants as natural alternative to the chemical drugs because it has no side effects. Moreover, there is a difficulty for any country to achieve self- sufficient of chemical drugs. Fennel is considered one of the most important medicinal and aromatic plants in Egypt. Commercial fennel varies greatly in quality, this being due to the lack of care during harvesting. Also, the presence of impurities in seeds decrease in the quality and standardization. So the use of grain cleaning and grading equipment is important for cereal producer as an aid to marketing his product. An experimental cleaning machine was development. The slope of the sieve unit, air velocity, crank speed and stroke length could be adjusted easily as required. The cleaning unit was tested under the following main factors (the crank speed of the sieve unit, stroke length, and slope of the sieve unit). Seeds were graded by the machine, into three categories, collected at three separate outlets. The maximum cleanliness obtained for grade one, two ,and three were 99.15,98.74 and 83.65 % respectively, and obtained at crank speed of 250 rpm, amplitude 20mm, sieve slope 8.5 degrees, and air velocity 2.7 m/s. The maximum effectiveness of the unit was 78.8%.

Summary in Arabic.

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