Effects of natural food additives on the protein content of adult and immature stages of the wax moth endoparasitoid, Apanteles galleriae

Abo Abdalla, Lamya M. Z.

Effects of natural food additives on the protein content of adult and immature stages of the wax moth endoparasitoid, Apanteles galleriae [electronic resource] تأثير البدائل الغذائية الطبيعية علي المحتوي البروتيني لكل من الاطوار الكاملة واليرقية للطفيل اليرقي الداخلي لدودة الشمع - ابنتيلس جاليري - p.13-27.

Includes bibliographic reference

The endoparasitoid, Apanteles galleriae, is one of the effective parasitoids on the greater and lesser wax moths, Galleria mellonella and Achroia greissella. The parasitoid was kept in the laboratory on lesser wax moths, Achroia greissella as a host. Males and females were fed on pure honey, diluted honey (80%), diluted honey + royal jelly (20 mg/ml), diluted honey + Pollen (20 mg/ml) and diluted honey + royal jelly + pollen (same ratio). Food substitutes were offered to the parasitoid freely. The resulting generation was then used for the protein content studies. The protein contents of both males and females were monitored throughout their life span. In addition, the protein contents of parasitoid larvae and pupae were monitored as well. Protein electrophoresis for previous treatments has shown heterogeneous band distribution when compared with controls. Band distributions and densities were characteristically variable over time, food supplement and insect stages.

Summary in Arabic

Lesser wax moth
Natural foods
natural additives
protein content

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