Effect of foliar spray with potassium silicate on growth, yield, quality and storability of cucumber fruits

Shehata, S. A.

Effect of foliar spray with potassium silicate on growth, yield, quality and storability of cucumber fruits [electronic resource] تأثير الرش الورقي بسليكات البوتاسيوم علي المنو الخضري والمحصول والجودة والقدرة التخزينية لثمار الخيار - p.385-396.

Includes bibliographic reference

The experiment was carried out under plastic house conditions during autumn seasons of 2016 and 2017 at
the Agricultural Experiment Station, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University and Laboratory of Handling of
Vegetable Department, Horticulture Research Institute, Giza Governorate, to study the effect of foliar spray with
potassium silicate at different concentrations on vegetative growth, yield and its components, fruit quality and
storability of cucumber fruits (Cucumus sativus L.) Hisham F1 hybrid. The results indicated that foliar spray
with potassium silicate at 4% or 3% significantly increased vegetative growth parameters (plant height, number
ofleaves/ plant, fresh weight of plant and chlorophyll reading (SPAD) in leaves, silicon and potassium contents
in the leaves, yield and its components (fruit weight and total yield / plant), physical and chemical properties of
fruit and silicon and potassium contents in fruits as compared with other treatments or untreated plants (control).
Potassium silicate at 4% improved storability of cucumber fruit (reduced weight loss, color change and
maintained fruit firmness, TSS and V.C) and exhibited good appearance after 15 days of storage at 10°C.

Summary in Arabic

Cucumbers --Yields.
Cucumbers --Quality
Potassium silicate.

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