Effect of supplemental Betaine and Choline on performance of broiler chicks fed Methionine deficient diets

Mohamed, Moustafa Amin Osman

Effect of supplemental Betaine and Choline on performance of broiler chicks fed Methionine deficient diets [electronic resource] / تأثير إضافة البتايين والكولين على الأداء الإنتاجى لكتاكيت اللحم المغذاة على علائق فقيرة فى المثيونين Moustafa Amin Osman Mohamed - 2017.

Thesis (Ph.D.) -- Mansoura University , 2017.

Includes bibliographical references.

Systems requirements : Adobe Reader

Summary in Arabic

Chicks--Feeding and feeds.
Choline--Physiological effect

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