Effect of planting patterns and Nk fertilizers levels under two planting dates on growth and yield of Egyptian Cotton in middle Egypt | [electronic resource] /

Ghoprial, Melad Atef Shaker.

Effect of planting patterns and Nk fertilizers levels under two planting dates on growth and yield of Egyptian Cotton in middle Egypt [electronic resource] / تأثير نظم الزراعة و مستويات التسميد النيتروجيني و البوتاسي تحت ميعادي زراعه على نمو و محصول القطن المصري فى مصر الوسطى Melad Atef Shaker Ghoprial - 2021.

Thesis (Ph.D.) -- Benha University, 2021.

Includes bibliographical references

Systems requirements : Adobe Reader

Summary in Arabic

Nitrogen fertilizers.
Planting date.


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