Effect of UV-light and y-irradiation of apple juice on organochlorinated pesticide residues [electronic resource].

By: Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: P.206-212Other title:
  • اثر استخدام الأشعة فوق البنفسجية والتشعيع بأشعة جاما لعصير التفاح على متبقيات المبيدات العضوية المكلورة .‪ [Added title page title]
Uniform titles:
  • Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture. Cairo University, 2009 v. 60 (2) [electronic resource].
Subject(s): Online resources: In: The bulletin. Faculty of Agriculture. Cairo University 2009.v.60(2)Summary: This study was conducted to evalute the effect of UV-Light and y-irradiation of apple juice on organochlorinated pesticide (OCP's) residues in apple juice. the use of y-irradiation (60Co) led to adegradation percentage of 30% after adse of 25KGray, while the irradiathion with 5 KGray was found to produce insignificant effect on OCP's residues when comared with the control.
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This study was conducted to evalute the effect of UV-Light and y-irradiation of apple juice on organochlorinated pesticide (OCP's) residues in apple juice. the use of y-irradiation (60Co) led to adegradation percentage of 30% after adse of 25KGray, while the irradiathion with 5 KGray was found to produce insignificant effect on OCP's residues when comared with the control.

Summary in arabic.


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