Genetic diversity in a wheat cultivar and its variants under salinity stress conditions using morphological tratis and rapd markers [electronic resource].

By: Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.19-26Other title:
  • البعد الوراثى لصنف قمح وال variants الناتجة منه تحت ظروف الاجهاد الملحى باستخدام المورفولوجية و RAPD marker [Added title page title]
Uniform titles:
  • Alexandria journal of agricultural research, 2008 v. 53 (1) [electronic resource].
Subject(s): Online resources: In: Alexandria journal of agricultural research 2008 v. 53 (1)Summary: New varilurIs, duived/rom the commercial wlteot CMIIivar, Sids-J, ruing stepwise in viIro &ektion method by NaCl as selective agent, were evaJlUIted. as weU as their pare1II. Ruing morphological traits and RAPD lIItII"ken to determine the genetic diversity among them. The stondardi:zed mean valuu of six morpItoIogicQl traits were rued to determine a dsttl matriJc ofpaU-wise similarities among genotypes. The ruults showed t1tDI the tIIIeI'tIge genetic siMilarity among IIw wlteot CIIitiwJr (Skb-J) and its l/(lI'iants was 0.34 with lHlhIes rangedfrom 0.0 to J.O. The results, also. revealed that the Sids -J cultivar and VI showed a lIel)' high degree ofsimilarity (1.0), indicating that 110 genetic lIQriQIions hod been intJJu:«Jfor VI- On the other hDnd. Sids-I cu/tiWIT showed IIw highest dissimilarity value with VJ (I()(1J(,). The results ofRAPD tJ1IfIiy&is for Skb -J w/tp.Jt CMIIivar and its nine WIrianIs showed t1tDI a total of 59 DNA fragments were prodau:ed by the five primers rued. and 93 " ofthese bands were polymorphic. Pair-wise genetic distance estima/es for IIw ten genotypes, based on RAPD&, rt:zngetJ from 0.J9 to 0.60. The close&t WJrianI to Skb-I cu/tivar was V4 (0.39), while the most dUtanl WJrianI to it 'WtU V, (0. J9). Comparison oflllalricu ofRAPD and lItOI"fJItoIogictll dDID:rbowed a low correlotioll betwwII the two dentJrogrt;uns (r = 0.03).
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New varilurIs, duived/rom the commercial wlteot CMIIivar, Sids-J, ruing stepwise in viIro &ektion method by NaCl as selective agent, were evaJlUIted. as weU as their pare1II. Ruing morphological traits and RAPD lIItII"ken to determine the genetic diversity among them. The stondardi:zed mean valuu of six morpItoIogicQl traits were rued to determine a dsttl matriJc ofpaU-wise similarities among genotypes. The ruults showed t1tDI the tIIIeI'tIge genetic siMilarity among IIw wlteot CIIitiwJr (Skb-J) and its l/(lI'iants was 0.34 with lHlhIes rangedfrom 0.0 to J.O. The results, also. revealed that the Sids -J cultivar and VI showed a lIel)' high degree ofsimilarity (1.0), indicating that 110 genetic lIQriQIions hod been intJJu:«Jfor VI- On the other hDnd. Sids-I cu/tiWIT showed IIw highest dissimilarity value with VJ (I()(1J(,). The results ofRAPD tJ1IfIiy&is for Skb -J w/tp.Jt CMIIivar and its nine WIrianIs showed t1tDI a total of 59 DNA fragments were prodau:ed by the five primers rued. and 93 " ofthese bands were polymorphic. Pair-wise genetic distance estima/es for IIw ten genotypes, based on RAPD&, rt:zngetJ from 0.J9 to 0.60. The close&t WJrianI to Skb-I cu/tivar was V4 (0.39), while the most dUtanl WJrianI to it 'WtU V, (0. J9). Comparison oflllalricu ofRAPD and lItOI"fJItoIogictll dDID:rbowed a low correlotioll betwwII the two dentJrogrt;uns (r = 0.03).

Summary in Arabic.


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