Growth and flowering of Anisacanthus wrightii plant as affected by cycocel and paclobutrazol application [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: P. 73-80Other title:- نمو وازهار نباتات الأنيس اكانسس و تأثير السيكوسيل و الباكلوبترازول عليها [Added title page title]
- Alexandria journal of agricultural research, 2008 v. 53 (1) [electronic resource].
Includes reference.
Anisacanthus wrightii ( torr ) plant belongs to ornamental flowering shrubs ( fam. Acanthaceae ). The effect of growth retardants on Anisacanthus have not been previously studied under the Egyptian condition. Therefore the study was two successive seasons of 2004/2005-2005/2006 to study the effect of two growth retardants ( Cycocel and Paclobutrazol ) on some vegetative and roots growth,flowering and some chemical compositions of Anisacanthus wrightii aiming to use it as a new flowering indoor pot plant. Three foliar sprays of cycocel and paclobutrazol at 3 weeks interval were applied to potted plants of Anisacanthus.Results indicated that most of the studied characteristics (plant height, leaves number, fresh and dry weights of leaves,fresh and dry weights of vegtative parts root length as well as fresh and dry weights of roots ). In brief,to obtain new flowering indoor pot plants of Anisacanthus wrightii for long period with good vegetative and flowering traits, it is recommended to spray transplants (4-4.5 months old ) with 1000 ppm of cycocel or paclobutrazol at 20 ppm three times at three weeks interval under similar conditions of this investigation.
Summary in Arabic
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