Response of soybean plants to rock phosphate application combined with phosphate dissolving bacteria under salinity stress condition [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.851-865Other title:- استجابة نباتات فول الصويا لإضافة صخر الفوسفات مع البكتريا المذيبة للفوسفات تحت ظروف الإجهاد الملحي [Added title page title]
- Zagazig journal of agricultural research, 2008 v. 35 (4) [electronic resource].
Includes reference.
Greenhouse pot experiments were carried out on soybean (Glycin max) to study the effect of fertilization with rock phosphate (RP) at 14.5mg P kg-1 soil and phosphate dissolving bacteria (PDB) on a clay loam soil under irrigation with different grades of saline water (1000, 2000, 4000,and 8000mgL-1) as compared with tap water (400 mgL-1) on nodulation, nitrogenase activity (N2-ase), available P, total counts of bacteria and phosphate dissolving bacteria, CO2 evolved as well as some macronutrients content of soybean plants. Dry matter yield of soybean plants decreased with increasing salinity but this was less marked in presence of RP+PDB. N, P, K and Ca concentration in plants decreased with increasing salinity. The soybean plants fertilized with RP and /or inoculated with PDB were enhanced. Inoculation of PDB with application of RP gave high nodulation, nitrogenase activity, available-P and CO2 evolved from the rhizosphere up to the irrigation water was 4000 mgL-1. Na concentration in plants increased with increasing salinity. Total counts of bacterial and phosphate dissolving bacteria decreased by increasing salinity; the highest number of total count of bacteria and PDB were obtained with the RP+PDB.
Summary in Arabic.
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