Systemic acquired resistance in cotton genotypes against vascular wilt disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.SP. vasinfectum [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: P.1253-1264Other title:- المقاومة الجهازية المكتسبة فى نبات القطن ضد مرض الذبول الوعائى الناجم عن الاصابة بالفطر Fusarium oxysporum f.SP. vasinfectu [Added title page title]
- Egyptian journal of agricultural research, 2008 v. 86 (4) [electronic resource].
Includes reference.
Systemic acquired resistance in cotton plants against infection with fusarium oxyporum f.sp. vasinfectum (Alk) snyd. And Hank), (FOV) was expressed when cotton seeds of genotype Giza 80 X Australian genotype 19199 were soaked in solutions of various resistance elicitors (REs). All REs, Ascorbic acid (AA), benzoic acid (BA), benzothiadtalole (BTH), citric acid (CA), cinnamic acid (CiA), hydroquinone (HQ), salicylic acid (SA), sodium citrate (NaC), sodium metbisulfate (NaMS) and thiourea (THU) induced resistance that increased with increasing REs concentrations. BTH was the most efficient elicitor in inducing resistance in cotton plants. Efficiency of BTH was highly affected by the concentration and by cotton genotype. The most susceptible cotton genotype Giza 80 X Australian genotype 19199 showed the highest response to the application of BTH at all concentrations. A significant positive correlation was observed between susceptibility of cotton genotypes to fOV infection and effidency of BTH in inducing resistance. In other words, susceptibility of the genotype positively conelated with the magnitude of response to the elicitor.
Summary in arabic.
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