Effect of residual organic n, applied mineral n rates and inoculation with Rhizobium on yield and N uptake of bean [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.51-61Other title:- تأثير النتروجين العضوى المتبقى و النتروجين المعدنى المضاف و التلقيح ببكتيريا العقد الجذرية على محصول و إمتصاص النتروجين للفول [Added title page title]
- Journal of the advances in agricultural researches, 2008 v. 13 (1) [electronic resource].
Includes reference.
This experiment aimed to examine the effect of residual organic N from the previous crop fertilization, inorganic N fertilization rates and inoculation with Rhizobium phaseoli on the N uptake and bean yield. The experiment was conducted during the season 2006-2007 in Al-Salam village on soil received different doses of organic N (manure compost) as the following 0.0, 15, 30, 45, 60 kg N / faddan for the previous crop. All studied factors showed positive effect on the seed yield of common bean and N uptake significantly. The applied mineral N contribution was 43.7 % of the seed yield and 39.3 % of the N uptake. Residual organic N contribution was 41.4 % of the seed yield and 47.6 % of the N uptake. The contribution of inoculation was 6.5 % of the seed yield and 5.7 % of the N uptake. Also, the interactions between any two factors were significant. The highest effect of interaction was between the applied mineral N and residual organic N where both were affected strongly by each other. The interaction between the inoculation and mineral N or residual organic N showed that the effect of inoculation on seed yield was almost the same. The effect of applied mineral N in interaction with inoculation was almost the same with or without inoculation. The effect of residual organic N in interaction with inoculation increased slightly with the inoculation from 480 to 533 kg seeds / faddan.
Summary in Arabic.
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