Nematicidal effects of α-Methylene-γ-Butyrolactone and 5-Fluro-2'-Deoxyuridine on caenorhabditis elegans nematode [electronic resource].

By: Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.83-93Other title:
  • وال - 5 α-methylene-γ-butyrolactone النشاط الابادي لمرآبى الCaenorhabditis على نيماتودا ال fluro-2'-deoxyuridine elegans [Added title page title]
Uniform titles:
  • Journal of the advances in agricultural researches, 2008 v. 13 (1) [electronic resource].
Subject(s): Online resources: In: Journal of the Advances in Agricultural Researches 2008.v.13(1)Summary: Both original methanol and its ether-solubles free extracts of Spiraea thunbergii fresh leaves were tested against C. elegans nematode. The original extract caused 80% mortality after 72 hours exposure. Removal of the ether soluble fraction enhanced the toxicity to 100% and 86% mortalities on the synchronized L1 larva and egg-bearing adult after 48 hours exposure with LT50 values equal to 29 and 38 hours, respectively. It also reduced the adults reproducibility to 6% compared with control (100%) with ET50 value equals 46 hours. The nematicidal effect of α-methylene-γ-butryolactone was studied as its active constituent. It completely killed all of the treated larvae and adults populations after 8 and 16 hours with LT50 values equaled to <8 and 9 hours, respectively suppressing the adults reproducibility to 14 % and 0% of control after 16 and 24 hours exposure at 100 μg/ml. It also reduced the treated larvae reproducibility to 78% of control at 10 μg/ml and stopped them at the larval stage at 100 μg/ml. Its effects were nearly similar in monoxenic and axenic culture media. 5-fluro-2'-deoxyuridine was tested at 100 μg/ml on both the two tested stages. It did not markedly affect the two treated stages locomotion with weak lethal effect. It also inhibited the reproducibility of the treated egg-bearing adult to 11 % of control after 72 hours with no effect on adult mortality, while it completely suppressed the treated larvae reproducibility.
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Both original methanol and its ether-solubles free extracts of Spiraea thunbergii fresh leaves were tested against C. elegans nematode. The original extract caused 80% mortality after 72 hours exposure. Removal of the ether soluble fraction enhanced the toxicity to 100% and 86% mortalities on the synchronized L1 larva and egg-bearing adult after 48 hours exposure with LT50 values equal to 29 and 38 hours, respectively. It also reduced the adults reproducibility to 6% compared with control (100%) with ET50 value equals 46 hours. The nematicidal effect of α-methylene-γ-butryolactone was studied as its active constituent. It completely killed all of the treated larvae and adults populations after 8 and 16 hours with LT50 values equaled to <8 and 9 hours, respectively suppressing the adults reproducibility to 14 % and 0% of control after 16 and 24 hours exposure at 100 μg/ml. It also reduced the treated larvae reproducibility to 78% of control at 10 μg/ml and stopped them at the larval stage at 100 μg/ml. Its effects were nearly similar in monoxenic and axenic culture media. 5-fluro-2'-deoxyuridine was tested at 100 μg/ml on both the two tested stages. It did not markedly affect the two treated stages locomotion with weak lethal effect. It also inhibited the reproducibility of the treated egg-bearing adult to 11 % of control after 72 hours with no effect on adult mortality, while it completely suppressed the treated larvae reproducibility.

Summary in Arabic.


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