Evaluation of some Egyptian onion genotypes in Sohag Governorate [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.77-85Other title:- تقييم بعض التراكيب الوراثية للبصل المصرى فى محافظة سوهاج. [Added title page title]
- Journal of the advances in agricultural researches, 2007 v. 12 (1) [electronic resource].
Includes reference.
This investigation was carried out at Shandweel Agriculture Research Station during the two successive seasons of 200312004 and 200412005 to evaluate of six Egyptian onion genotypes namely, Giza 6 Mohassan, Shandweel-1, Dronka, Giza 20 original, Giza 20 pink flesh and Giza 20 white flesh in Sohag Govemorate. The obtained results were as follows: The genotypes Giza 20 pink flesh, Giza 20 wh~e flesh and Giza 20 original (blotched with red) were the tallest in plant height. Dronka (local strain) was the greatest of leaf area per plant and dry matter, while it produced the lowest portion of culls yield than the other genotypes. Shandweel-1 and Dronka were earty in bulb development (expressed by bulbing ratio).
Summary in Arabic.
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