Effect of organic and nitrogen fertilizers and plant densities on onion production in sandy soils under drip irrigation system [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.103-108Other title:- تاثير السماد العضوى والآزوتي والكثافة النباتية على إنتاج البصل فى الأراضي الرملية تحت نظام الري بالتنقيط [Added title page title]
- Alexandria journal of agricultural research, 2007 v. 52 (1) [electronic resource].
Includes reference.
The main objectives of this study ware to test the effect of two N• fertilizer levels, three organic matter rates and two plant population densities on onion (var. Giza 20) bulb yield. bulb diameter. total soluble solids. and water utilization efficiency under drip irrigation in the sandy soils of El-Bustan Nubaria region.
Summary in Arabic.
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