Effect of bio- and mineral phosphorus fertilization on the productivity and nutritional value of canola plant (Brassica napus L.) grown in a newly reclaimed soil [electronic resource].

By: Contributor(s): Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.4121-4129Other title:
  • تأثير التسميد الحيوي والمعدني بالفوسفور علي المحصول والقيمة الغذائية لنبات الكانولا النامي في الأراضي الحديثة الأستصلاح [Added title page title]
Uniform titles:
  • Mansoura university journal of agricultural sciences, 2009 v. 34 (4) Part B [electronic resource].
Subject(s): Online resources: In: Mansoura University Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2009.v.34(4)Part BSummary: Two field experiments were carried out in two successive winter seasons of 2006/2007 and 200712008 to study the effect of bio-and mineral phosphorus fertilization on the yield and nutritional value of canala plant grown in calcareous soil at EI-Areish Agricultural Research station, (ARC) North Sinai Govemorate. The main results were as the following: Superphosphate and rock phosphate achieved a similar and jn~nnificant effect on most measured yield characteristics, seed yield, N, P, K, oil, protei'" contents and oil yield in both growth seasons. Inoculation with either mycorrhiza or Bacillus megatherium alone or Bacillus megatherium + mycorrhiza were significantly resulted in actions on most canola tested parameters compared to the treatment of without inoculation. However, seed yield and P percentage did not respond significantly toward the inoculation with the investigated biofertifizers in first season. Generally the highest values obtained. for most characteristics of canola plants under investigation were achieved when the plants received rather rock phosphate or superphosphate mineral fertilizers together with mycorrhiza and/or Bacillus megatherium + mycorrhiza. While, there were insignificant differences due to their interaction on No. of branches I plant, seed yield and P percentage as well as canola plant height both in the first and second seasons.
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Two field experiments were carried out in two successive winter seasons of 2006/2007 and 200712008 to study the effect of bio-and mineral phosphorus fertilization on the yield and nutritional value of canala plant grown in calcareous soil at EI-Areish Agricultural Research station, (ARC) North Sinai Govemorate. The main results were as the following: Superphosphate and rock phosphate achieved a similar and jn~nnificant effect on most measured yield characteristics, seed yield, N, P, K, oil, protei'" contents and oil yield in both growth seasons. Inoculation with either mycorrhiza or Bacillus megatherium alone or Bacillus megatherium + mycorrhiza were significantly resulted in actions on most canola tested parameters compared to the treatment of without inoculation. However, seed yield and P percentage did not respond significantly toward the inoculation with the investigated biofertifizers in first season. Generally the highest values obtained. for most characteristics of canola plants under investigation were achieved when the plants received rather rock phosphate or superphosphate mineral fertilizers together with mycorrhiza and/or Bacillus megatherium + mycorrhiza. While, there were insignificant differences due to their interaction on No. of branches I plant, seed yield and P percentage as well as canola plant height both in the first and second seasons.

Summary in Arabic.


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