Growth and yield of zucchini type summer squash (cucurbita pepol.) fertilized by combined Azotobacter Chroococum mutants and mineral N-fertilization [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.241-255Other title:- نمو ومحصول الكوسة(كيوكربيتا بيبو)طراز زوكينى المخصبة باستخدام تواليف من طفرات الازوتوباكتر والتسميد المعدنى [Added title page title]
- Egyptian journal of agricultural research, 2010 v. 88 (1) [electronic resource].
Includes reference.
The present research study investigates nitrogen fixation utilizing Azotobacter chroococum induced biochemical mutants aiming to obtain more efficient strains for production of summer squash towards reducing mineral Napplication in production of summer squash.
Summary in Arabic.
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