The impact of partial replacement of -N- fertilizer by bio-fertilizer on seed and agronomic characters, yield and seed quality of sesame [electronic resource].
Language: English, ra Description: p.Ag203-217Other title:- تأثير الإحلال الجزئى للتسميد الكيمائى بالتسميد الحيوى على صفات البذرة والصفات الزراعية ومحصول وجودة بذور السمسم [Added title page title]
- Annals of agricultural science, Moshtohor, 2008 v.46 (4) [electronic resource].
Includes reference.
This study was carried out during two successive seasons 2006 and 2007 at Shandweel Agric Res. Station. This investigation aimed to study the effect of microbin and biogen with or without different levels N fertilizer (0, 7.5, 15, 22.5 and 30 Kg/fed-1)…
Summary in Arabic.
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