Impact of dredged muddy bottom and sediments on cyanobacteial blooms, chlorophyll a, zooplankton, water quality, heavy metals and collected fingerlings in Nile tilapia ponds [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.229-250Other title:- تاثير تجريف الرواسب الموحلة على ازدهار السيانوبكتريا كلوروفيل أ انتاج الزوبلانكتون, المعادن الثقيلة, الانتاج الكلى واصبعيات البلطى النيلى [Added title page title]
- Abbassa international journal for aquaculture, 2008 v. 1(A) [electronic resource].
Includes reference.
This study investigated the impact of dredged sediment, (sludge, or muck) on the cyanobacteial blooms, chlorophyll aconcentrations, zooplankton production, water quality, heavy metalsand Nile tilapia spawning.
Summary in Arabic.
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