Promoting efficiency of cyanobacteria filtrate on seed germination and plant growth of wheat, soybean and clover [electronic resource].

By: Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: P.615-622Other title:
  • التأثير المشجع لراشح السيانو بكتريا على انبات ونمو بذور القمح وفول الصويا والبرسيم [Added title page title]
Uniform titles:
  • Mansoura University journal of agricultural sciences, 2007 v. 32 (1) [electronic resource].
Subject(s): Online resources: In: Mansoura Unviersity Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2007.v.32(1)Summary: The effect of cyanobacteria strains filtrates of Nostoc catcicola and Anabaena flos aquae on the seed germination and I or plant growth of some wheat, soybean and clover crop cultivars were investigated.
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The effect of cyanobacteria strains filtrates of Nostoc catcicola and Anabaena flos aquae on the seed germination and I or plant growth of some wheat, soybean and clover crop cultivars were investigated.

Summary in Arabic.


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