Nutritional status of N and P as affected by adding some organic manures and rock phosphate in both sandy and calcareous soils [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.4977-4986Other title:- الحالة الغذائية لعنصرى النتروجين والفوسفور ومدي تأثرها باضافة بعض المخصبات العضوية وصخر الفوسفات في كل من الاراضي الرملية والجيرية. [Added title page title]
- Mansoura University journal of agricultural sciences, 2007 v. 32 (6) [electronic resource].
Includes reference.
The current work aims to study the effect of some applied organic manures namely: Qattamia, Biogreen and Nile compost at rates 2 & 4 %, added alone or in combination with rock phosphate at the rate of 0.02 % to sandy and calcareous soils on nutritional status of N & P during soil incubation experiment. The obtained results indicate that the application of organic manures either alone or in combination with rock phosphate increased the available content of N & P, with superiority of organic manures for increasing organic matter content in soils. The Nile compost at the rate of 4 % mixed with rock phosphate surpassed the other applied treatments for nutritional status of both N & P, in addition to it gave the greatest organic matter content. In all treatments the released of Nand P increased in soil during the incubation peried of the organic materials. It is also noticed that Nand P released fonn the Nile compost treatment surpassed the other applied organic manures.
Summary in Arabic.
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