Response of some flax genotypes to bio, phosphorus fertilization and some micronutrients application [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.5209-5222Other title:- استجابة بعض التراكيب الوراثية من الكتان للتسميد الفوسفاتي الحيوي والمعدني وبعض العناصر الصغرى [Added title page title]
- Mansoura University journal of agricultural sciences, 2008 v. 33 (7) [electronic resource].
Includes reference.
Two field experiments were carried out at Gemmiza Res. Station, Gharbia Governorate, Agric. Res. Center during the two successive seasons of 2004/2005 and 2005/2006 to study the response of three flax genotypes namely Sakha 1 , Sakha 2 and S.2465/1 to six fertilizer treatments, i.e., 0 (control), calcium superphoshale (15.5% P₂O₅), Phosphorein (P·biofertilizer), Phosphorein + calcium superphoshate (15.5% P₂O₅), Coatingein (Zn + Fe + Mn chelates) + calcium superphoshate (155% P₂O₅) and Phosphorein + Coatingein + calcium superphoshate (155% P₂O₅). A Split plot design with four replications was used. The results of this investigation could be summarized as follow: The flax vanety Sakha 1 exhibited highest fiber Yield/fed. highest value of the major unsaturated fatty acid Linolenic. refractive index, specific gravity. and recorded least peroxide value of oil. White, it ranked the second after Sakha 2 in straw yield/fed and the lowest estimates in all straw characters obtained by S.2465/1. In the same time, the flax strain 2465/1 ranked the first and surpassed Sakha 1 and Sakha 2 in seed yield/plant as well as per feddan, number of capsules/plant, oil yield/fed and oil percentage. Moreover, maximum straw and seed yields were obtained by using the mixture of fertilizer phosphorein + calcium superphoshate (15.5% P₂O₅)+ coatingein . Phenotypic correlation coefficients among straw yield I plant exhibited significant positIve correlations with each of plant height, technical length, seed yield I plant and number of capsules I plant. Also, seed yield exhibited significant positive correlations with each of number of capsules, number of apical branches, plant height, technical length and stem diameter. These results, supports the evidence for the pOSSibility of isolating genotypes characterized with hIgh straw yielding ability and simUltaneous high seed potentialities In conclusion, Sakha 1 was the first one preferred for food and medicinal purposes followed by S 2465/1 So, it could be recommended to plant of Sakha 1 genotype to produce nigh fiber yield with the high oil quality and S. 2465/1 to produce high yield of seed and oil with the addition of phosphorein + calcium superphoshale (15.5% P₂O₅) + coatingein.
Summary in Arabic.
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