Alternative safety methods in suppressing the population of two spotted spider mite Ttetranychus Urticae Koch infesting soybean plants at the new reclaimed lands, Nubaria province Egypt [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: P. 10417-10424Other title:- الطرق البديلة فى مكافحة العنكبوت الأحمر العادى ذو البقعتين Tetranchus Urticae Koch على نبات فول الصويا فى الاراضى المستصلحة بمنطقة النوبارية – مصر [Added title page title]
- Mansoura University journal of agricultural sciences, 2007 v. 32 (12) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
Three field experiments were conducted during the season 2006, at the private farm at Nubaria region: the first trial included releasing the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis (A,-H.) with rate of 15-20 mites / hill. While the other trials included evaluation of some environmentally safe materials and study the effect of different fertilizers adding in different ways on spider mites population. Obtained results cleared that the predatory mite P.
Summary in Arabic.
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