Physiological performance of Barki male lambs fed halophytes under semi- arid conditions [electronic resource].
Language: Description: p.6393 - 6408Other title:- لاداء الفسيولوجى لذكور الحملان الاغنام البرقى المغذاة على النباتات الملحية تحت الظروف شبة الجافة [Added title page title]
- Mansoura University journal of agricultural sciences, 2008 v. 33 (9) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
This research was achieved at Maryout Research Station, Desert Research Center to give an intensive physiological inspection of the liver and kidney functions, and weight changes in addition to the blood biochemical and electrolytes changes in growing Barki lambs fed on either fresh or silage forms of a mixture of Atriplex haiimus and Acacia saiigna. Three groups of lambs were fed as follows: the first group (G1, 5 lambs) was fed on Berseem hay and served as control group. While the second group (G2, 6 lambs) was fed on a fresh mixture of Afripiex and Acacia, the third group (G3, 6 lambs) was fed on silage form of Atrip/ex haiimus and Acacia saiigna mixture. The concentrations of total proteins (TP), albumin (A), globulin (G), total lipids (TL), total cholesterol (TC), alanine amino transferase (ALT), aspartate amino transferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), urea, creatinine, triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4), aldosterone (AL), sodium (Na), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) along with AfG, ureal creatinine. Nal K, Nat Na+ K and Cal P ratios were determined. Body weight changes and average daily gain (ADG) were also recorded.
Summary in Arabic.
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