Impact of compost and phosphate fertilizers utilizatiuon on phosphorus availablility and ,some crops productivity on sandy soils [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.1031-1053Other title:- تأثير إضافة الكمبوست والتسميد الفوسفاتى والحيوى على تيسر الفوسفور وإنتاجية بعض المحاصيل فى الأراضى الرملية [Added title page title]
- Minufiya journal of agricultural research, 2008 v. 33 (4) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
A field experiment was carried out at Ismalia Agricultural Experimental Station during the winter season (2005/ 2006) and summer season (2006) to asses the influence of organic,
Summary in Arabic.
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