Effect of sowing dates under different environmental conditions on yield and quality characters of some flax genotypes [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.33-41Other title:- تأثير مواعيد الزراعة تحت ظروف بيئية مختلفة على صفات المحصول وجودته لبعض التراكيب الوراثية لمحصول الكتان [Added title page title]
- Alexandria journal of agricultural research, 2010 v. 55 (2) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
The objective of this investigation was to study the effect of some sowing dates under different environmental conditions on yield and quality characters of some flax genotypes during two winter seasons (2006/07 and 2007/08). The study was carried out, using a randomized complete block design, with four replications. In the first season (2006/07), twelve flax genotypes were sown in each trial, where the first experiment was sown in October 25th , the second one occurred in November 10th (control) and the third trial was sown in November 25,lh. These trials were repeated in the second season (2007/08) at two locations; i.e., Etay EI-Baroud Res. Station, Behera Governorate ,and EI-Gemmeiza Res. Station, Gharbia Governorate. The flax genotypes under study were Giza 8, sakhal, Sakha2, Sakha3, Marlin, Escalina, 5.533/39/5/11, 54201140/5111, 5.413/1/3/2, 5.426/32/6/5, 5.435111/10/3 and 5.436/3/6/5. Highly significant differences were detected between the two seasons for all studied straw characters, except for total length. The mean squares for sowing dates were highly significant for all characters under study. Statistical analysis pointed out that the mean squares for seasons were significant for number of capsules/plant and seed yield iplant. Also, the mean squares for locations were highly significant for all seed characters, except for seed and oil yields. The mean squares of seasons and locations were highly significant for all studied characters, except for fiber yield Ifaddan. Etay EI-Baroad location ranked the first and surpassed the other location for stem diameter, straw yield 1 plant and fruiting zone length, while, EI~Gemmiza location was superior over the tirst one for total length, technical length and straw yield/faddan.
Summary in Arabic.
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