Increasing the efficiency of some Phosphatic fertilizers under newely reclaimed Egyptian soils [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.2471- 2488Other title:- رفع كفاءة بعض الأسمدة الفوسفاتيه بالأراضى المصرية الحديثة الإستصلاح [Added title page title]
- Mansoura University journal of agricultural sciences, 2006 v. 31 (4) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
Two pot experiments were carried out at the Soils Dep., Faculty of Agriculture, Mansoura Univeristy,Dakahlya Governorate, Egypt , during the wintery growing seasons of ( 2003& 2004 ) . The goals of this study are: 1- expose the pollutant wastes (sludge) and optimiZing its role in the soil ( especiaily it is a rich organic waste) . 2- Increasing the efficiency of some phosphatic fertilizers ( super phosphat and rock phosphate) in the newly reclaimed soil (sandy and calcareous) using the sludge, elemental sulphur and bio-fertilizers ( phosphoren or mycorhiza ) .
Summary in Arabic.
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