Selection for improving egg production in mandarah chickens: 4 - direct and correlated response for some economic traits for four generations of selection [electronic resouce].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.137-156Other title:- الانتخاب لتحسين إنتاج البيض فى دجاج المندرة : 4.الاستجابة المباشرة والمنتظرة [Added title page title]
- Egyptian poultry science journal, 2010 v. 30 (I) [electronic resouce].
Includes references.
A Mandarah local strain was selected (SL) for improving egg number (EN) during the 1st 90 days of laying from 2001 to 2006. Genetic changes were estimated as deviations from its unselected control line (CL) per generation. The aim of this study was conducted to determine the influence of selection for four generations on some economic trails (hatch, growth, egg production and egg quality).
Summary in Arabic.
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