Field evaluation of diclazuril and narasin for trelltment of coccidiosis in broiler chickens [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: P. 118-127Other title:- محاولة حقلية لتقييم علاج الكوكسيديا باستخدام الداى كلازيوريل والنارسين فى بدارى تسمين الدجاج [Added title page title]
- Zagazig veterinary journal, 2008 v. 36 (3) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
The present work was performed to investigate the effect of diclazuril and narasin in treatment of broiler chicks infected with coccidiosis. Oocyst count, weight gain, feed consumption, feed conversion rate as well as some hematological and biochemical changes were the used criteria for evaluation. One hundred, day old broiler chicks were divided into 5 equal groups 1st group non infected and non-treated chick (-ve control),2nd group infected and non treated (+ve control).3rd group infected and treated with diclazuril (0.5ml / liter drinking water),4th group infected and treated with narasin (40 mg/kg ration).5th group infected and treated with diclazuril and narasin in therapeutic doses Treatment started at age of 25 days and continues for one week.
Summary in Arabic.
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