L-Carnitine a protectin natural agent against high loaded fat or frying oil diets in male rats [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.233-246Other title:- ل-كارنيتين المادة الطبيعية الواقية ضد تغذية ذكور الجرذان على علائق مرتفعة فى نسبة الدهن او محتوية على زيوت مغلية [Added title page title]
- Arab journal of biotechnology, 2010 v. 13 (2) [electronic resource]:
Includes references.
the effect of oral- L-Carnitine administraction to rats fed high ratio of corn oil, or fried oil diets has been studied for 35 dayes.
Summary in Arabic.
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