Genetic improvement of maize for low-soil nitrogen tolerance via S1 recurrent selection [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: P. 255-277Other title:- التحسين الوراثى للذرة الشامية لتحمل النيتروجين المنخفض باستخدام الانتخاب الدورى لأنسال الجيل الذاتى الأول [Added title page title]
- Egyptian journal of plant breeding, 2008 v. 12 (2) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
One cycle of S₁ recurrent selection for low-soil N tolerance was practiced in the Egyptian maize composite Giza-2 in five seasons during the period from 2004 to 2007. A total of 121 S₁ maize progenies were obtained in 2004 and evaluated in 2005 season under high-N (HN) and low-N (LN) environments. The best 18 S₁ progenies in grain yield were selected separately under HN and LN and grown to produce the S₂ 's. The selected HN and LN S2 lines were intercrossed in two isolated blocks in early 2006 season to produce two new populations i.e Giza 2-HN and Giza 2-LN. such populations were grown in late 2006 season in two isolated blocks and left for random mating to reach equilibrium.
Summary in Arabic.
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