Sesame lines improvement via two selection methods [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: P. 279-288Other title:- تحسين سلالات السمسم باستخدام طريقتين من الانتخاب [Added title page title]
- Egyptian journal of plant breeding, 2008 v. 12 (2) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
A study was carried out using pedigree and mass selection in F₃ and F₄ sub families derived from three crosses during 2005 and 1006. Genetic parameters, narrow sense heritability and genetic advance as percentage of mean were calculated for various economic traits: (plant height, length of fruiting zone, number of branches pl.⁻¹ number of capsules pl.⁻¹ seed yield pl.⁻¹ and seed yield fed.⁻¹) High significantly differences were observed among F₃ and F₄ sub - families for all studied characters except number of branches pl ⁻¹ in both selection procedures. The additive gene effects were low for all studied characters except plant height in F₃ and F₄ sub - families of the first cross. Heritability and genetic advance for seed yield pl⁻¹ and seed yield fed⁻¹ in F₄ sub families were higher than genetic advance in F₃ sub - families. Seed yield fed⁻¹ had significant and positive relationships with number of capsules pl⁻¹. and seed yield pl⁻¹. The two selection procedures were effective and successful without significant difference between them. Indirect selection for seed yield via yield component characters was the most effective for the improvement of yield in sesame crop.
Summary in Arabic.
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