Effect of some N-biofertilizer sources on wheat growth under graded rates of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.21-49Other title:- تأثير بعض مصادر السماد الحيوى على نمو نبات القمح تحت معدلات مختلفة من السماد النيتروجينى والفسفورى [Added title page title]
- Al-Azhar journal of agricultural sciences sector research, 2009 v.6 [electronic resource].
Includes references.
A field experiment was conducted to determine the effect of bio·fertilizers under different rates of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers on growth of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum, L.) Sakha 94 cultivar at Sakha Agriculture Research Station. ARC. during the two successive seasons 2005/2006 and 200612007.Two nitrogen rates ( 50 and 75 kg N/fad.). three rates of phosphorus fertilizer (0,15 and 30 kg P₂O₅/fad.) with three treatments of bio· fe.tilizers ( non· inoculated, Nitrobein and Cerialein at 500 g/fad.) were used.
Summary in Arabic.
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