A novel and simple technique for the determination of quantity of alcohol produced in wet paddy rice due to fermintation [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.1965- 1972Other title:- تقنية مبتكرة بسيطة لتقدير كمية الكحول الناتج من الأرز الشعير الرطب بسبب التخمر [Added title page title]
- Misr Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 2009 v.26 (4) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
A novel and simple technique was devised to determine the quantity of ethanol produced in wet paddy rice due to fermentation, after harvesting. Undried rice has the potential of developing ethanol during storage due to fermentation. The latter process which is affected by both temperature and time, converts sugars to alcohol by the action of yeast, which is an undesirable process. A simple technique by which the quantity of alcohol produced is evaluated, as a function of both time and ambient temperature, has been applied, in which the alcohol- containing rice is leached by distilled water for a time ≥equilibrium time, followed by rapid filtration and the leachate's density is determined by weighing a standard volume of the leachate, followed by determining the concentration of ethanol from standard tables of densities of alcohol – water mixtures cited in the literature. The amount of alcohol is drawn versus the densities and the time after harvest (non ventilation) and finally equations for percent alcohol versus time of non ventilation and percent alcohol versus density are developed. High correlation coefficients (> 0.991) are obtained in both cases. The equations could be used for the rapid estimation of percent alcohol as a function of both time and density.
Summary in Arabic.
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