Effect of potassium and molybdenum fertilization on sugar beet grown in calcareous soil [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.137-140Other title:- تأثير التسميد بالبوتاسيوم والموليبدنم على نمو بنجر السكر فى الاراضى الجيرية [Added title page title]
- Alexandria science exchange journal, 2007 v. 28 (3) [electronic resource]:
Includes references.
The study aimed to investigate the economic rate of potassium and molybdenum application for sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) in the Egyptian calcareous soil. The field experiment was conducted as complete randomized design using J6 plots each is one m1. Potassium showed a significant effect on the growth of sugar beet plant where increased the yield of the whole plant, root, shoot and sugar yield. Amino nitrogen was affected significantly by potassium fertilization, while the dry matter yield and sucrose percentage did show significant effect.
Summary in Arabic.
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