The combined effect of organic fertilizer and supplementary feed on the growth performance of common carp(cyprinus carpio) fingerlings in rice fields [electronic resource].
Language: English Summary language: Arabic Description: p.185-197Other title:- التأثير المشترك للسماد العضوى والتغذية الإضافية على أداء نمو المبروك العادى فى حقول الأرز [Added title page title]
- Annals of agricultural science, Moshtohor, 2005 v.43 (1) [electronic resource].
Includes references.
A 105-day experimental period was conducted in rice fields with common carp, Cyprinus carpio, (2.8g). Four diets were formulated through combining 100, 75, 50 and 25% duck droppings with 0, 25, 50 and 75% supplementary feed, respectively. The fifth one was the control. Each treatment was performed in duplicate. All replicates were stocked with 1800 fish/feddan. The growth performance, feed utilization, chemical composition of the whole body of common carp and economic efficiency at the end of the experiment were studied. Fish fed 25% duck droppings + 75% supplementary feed (T4), recorded a higher significant ( P< 0.05) individual body weight and body length after 105 days than fish fed other diets. Fish fed diets with 100% duck droppings (T1) or 75% duck droppings + 25% supplementary feed (25% CP) (T2) had a higher significant (P < 0.05) condition factors and survival rate. The inclusion different levels of duck droppings with supplementary feed increased dry matter, protein and fat contents in the whole fish than the control treatment, while the reverse was true for the ash content. The highest net return of fish was achieved with Tl group followed in a descending order by T2, n, T5 and T4. Results of this work support the use of duck droppings at a ratios up to 50% combined with supplementary feed for common carp in rice fields in order to achieved the best growth performance and the highest net return that attracts farmers.
Summary in Arabic.
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